Thursday 14 March 2013


This term in science my team teacher and I did many different projects with Sound and the Ear.
We decided at the end of the unit so students could show what they know, students were asked to make a plasticine model of the 3 different parts of the ear.  Most students loved this. Plasticine is such a great medium.  My at risk student was somewhat engaged.  He is such a difficult guy to get excited about anything. But I did watch him and he seemed to enjoy it and was definitely able to label the different parts of the ear.

Our final term I am determined to get him excited (visibly hopefully) about a unit!

Thats all for now.


Thursday 8 November 2012

In the grade 4/5 class and the grade 5 class here at columbia that I teach in for Judy S and Kent P we have been working on a unit in Science on the Human Body.

For the last 3 weeks we have been working on a Game Board where the students in groups of 2 have been given a body system to research and then design a game board for that system.

We set criteria as a class for this project, with some teacher direction.

The target student in Judy's class and Kent's class have been enthusiastic.

Judy's student picked a partner that was not the best choice - so they have not completed this project using the criteria that was set out.

In hindsight I wish I had picked his partner for him.

Kent's student has had more success!  Yippee.

I chose his partner for him.  Talked to his partner before hand, to check to
The last few weeks my team teacher and I have started a unit on Light in Science.
Many of these students have not been a part of TADL before and they have mixed feelings at times for how we are doing our different lessons.

I think for the most part they are enjoying working with another class and science taught in a different way.

Our at risk student was away yesterday so we couldn't observe how the lesson went for him.

Our planning session with Jeff was inspiring and they always energizes me, and makes me excited to actually start each unit.
I appreciate the time he spends with us - more than he probably knows.

I think this is a great

Grade 4 Science

Over the past 4 or so weeks I have been team teaching science with WNickel.
My class meets with his grade 4's every Wednesday and the kids are learning about Light.

Yesterday we did group work about Transparent, Opaque, translucent  - and light.  The kids got a bin of different objects that they had to classify in one of the 3 different columns.

The kids were super engaged! Somewhat LOUD - but on task for the most part.

Would you believe we forgot to take any pictures or videos!  We were so busy handing out stuff and circulating that this just slipped our minds!

Even the student that is part of the study from my class was engaged and having fun with his group.
He doesn't always work well in a group - so that was good to see him having fun and interacting with the others.

Its great to see the kids interacting with so many other students, and having fun learning.  I don't think they realize how much they are learning!

All for now.


Wednesday 1 February 2012

Habitat - Science!

Wes Nickel and I have been team teaching a Science Unit on Habitats that Jeff helped us design.  We’ve been teaching this unit since the beginning of the new year.

The kids have been excited throughout.  And the one student we are tracking has been focused and on task most of the time.

He has problems socially getting along with most kids – but this hasn’t been a real issue so far with this unit.

SWAT has been a big hit!  (Pun intended).  This game is fun for the students and it helps to consolidate the information they have been learning.

Today we listened to a song on habitats – and then had the students make up their own verses and then perform.

Really well done and they seemed to enjoy it.

Not all students had time to perform. The targeted student did not have a chance to present.

It has been good for this student during this team teaching as we often partner him with a student from the other class. Which is good for him behaviourally – the students in Wes’ class don’t have any history with him.

All in all this past month has been a fun experience for Wes and I and the kids as well.

Until next time!