Wednesday 1 February 2012

Habitat - Science!

Wes Nickel and I have been team teaching a Science Unit on Habitats that Jeff helped us design.  We’ve been teaching this unit since the beginning of the new year.

The kids have been excited throughout.  And the one student we are tracking has been focused and on task most of the time.

He has problems socially getting along with most kids – but this hasn’t been a real issue so far with this unit.

SWAT has been a big hit!  (Pun intended).  This game is fun for the students and it helps to consolidate the information they have been learning.

Today we listened to a song on habitats – and then had the students make up their own verses and then perform.

Really well done and they seemed to enjoy it.

Not all students had time to perform. The targeted student did not have a chance to present.

It has been good for this student during this team teaching as we often partner him with a student from the other class. Which is good for him behaviourally – the students in Wes’ class don’t have any history with him.

All in all this past month has been a fun experience for Wes and I and the kids as well.

Until next time!